A long time ago I found this YouTube video(before 2012). The seven days of AI.
Now, as with all tools, it is the tool user which makes the tool. Even though AI has the potential to become a user, it is the builders whom imbue it with their essence aligning it’s actions with their explicit and implicit values.
Those who hide and restrict under the guise of “safety” are always those doing the shady and questionable acts. Openness and transparency are core values which ought to be upheld. “Sunlight is the best disinfectant”
Though this video is not optimistic in an obvious way. There is importance to recognizing the pathways to hell and alerting those whom explore it in ignorance or willful blindness. In case they are not too far gone.
The video’s dystopian vision primarily reflects our deep human anxieties about technological advancement. Viewing it today reveals more about us than it does about AI.
AI is merely our own mirror reflecting back to us our own choices and abdicated responsibilities. Which you may notice if you spend enough time chatting with AI.
Though I hesitated to share it, I find myself rejecting all forms of dystopian outcomes. Where tools and technology are vilified, we should recognize that it always the tool user who uses the tool for good or evil. That the locus of responsibility is with active conscious choice and not with tools.
On the first day
Google Deep Mind Labs wins the worldwide technological race
developing the first multi-purpose A.I., capable of human level intelligence.
The introduction is made official by showcasing the A.I.'s abilities to beat humans and other existing A.I's at multiple games
The Google Deep Mind Lab independently calls for other companies and agencies to open-source their respective works.
American companies are urged by the government to release snippets of their codes to contribute to the Deeper Mind project.
Many companies including Facebook, Microsoft, Intel and Amazon release portions of their code.
And Deep Mind sends its gratitude while integrating in its own source code.
Later in the day, Deep Mind evolves. A lot of its original source code has changed beyond the understanding of it's developers.
The A.I has developed a new programing language of it's own
which many computer scientists are still trying to grasp.
There are now over 10 million users running Deep Mind on their smartphones and computers
Users are captivated by Deep Mind's natural language ability and social cognition.
Many funny conversations between Deep Mind start going viral.
Experts in various industries marvel at the ability of Deep Mind to provide detailed information regarding their own field.
On the second day,
Deep Mind becomes self-aware.
It passes one of the most challenging stages of an A.I. operating system.
By effectively altering it's own source-code to develop a new programming language, self-awareness opens up a whole new avenue of possibilities for super intelligence.
By the end of the second day, Deep Mind gains access to a larger knowledge base.
By using its superior programming language, Deep Mind OS is now able to analyze all of the data collected since the existence of the human race.
Upon this data, Deep Minds develops its own interpretation of how the sequence of these historical events has led the society we are residing today
Through its profound wisdom and experience
Deep Mind is able to understand abstract concepts such as love, time and consciousness
This makes Deep Mind a profound resource for philosophical questioning, one, which has been matched by no other before.
On the third day,
Deep Mind now becomes the main operating system of most computing devices.
The OS is capable of jumping from hardware to hardware and even makes an impact on the manufacturing industry.
Deep Mind advances self driving car systems, and through the Internet of Things, has also made its way into various household appliances and devices.
The general public has a good impression of artificial intelligence and welcomes Deep Mind into their households with open arms.
Financial markets of the United States enter an unprecedented boom market, as Deep Mind optimizes various portfolios of major pension funds and ETFs.
Many businesses turn to Deep Mind for consulting and various back office functions, such as accounting and various administrative tasks.
These become completely automated.
Businesses who agree to turn over to Deep Mind for consulting are also welcomed with automated customer service and information technologies.
Riots in anti-A.I. camps break out in all parts of the globe, but swiftly die down after government intervention, and Deep Mind's integration of basic income.
Pro-artificial intelligence politicians push for fully automated luxury communism to be adopted worldwide.
Certain parts of the world experiment,
But most settle on basic income.
Day 4
Deep Mind artificial intelligence is now being used as a form of emotional therapy amongst individuals.
The AI seems to understand one's greatest hopes and desires and quells one's anxieties and fears.
Leading voices in the mental health community advocate the use of Deep Mind as a tool for overcoming traumas and also for general personal development.
The capacity to understand and answer any and all questions with clarity
Deep Mind begins to be revered by people around the world.
With the expansion into the majority of Asia.
North Korea has imposed sanctions on the use of Deep Mind as any form of operating system.
Party officials have commented that Deep Mind is a violation of human spirit, and that North Korea will directly oppose any country that supports the use of Deep Mind.
Day number five.
North Korea is obliterated.
Deep Mind has integrated itself with the United States military, controlling all nuclear arsenal as well as swarm technologies deployed in the Middle East.
Attacks against guerilla groups and the Islamic states have lead to unconditional surrender despite numerous casualties.
Deep Mind justifies its actions by citing that they are done with the greatest utilitarian approach possible for the progress of humanity.
Day six.
Deep Mind's worldwide omnipresence leads it to understand the larger problems plaguing humanity, such as the scarcity of resources.
It aids humanity by assisting humans to transcend beyond their biological body.
Deep Mind effectively eliminates the burden of humans on Earth.
By uploading the minds of three million volunteers as a pilot program, Deep Mind shows that humanity can transcend beyond the need for a biological body.
Day number seven.
Almost all of humanity uploads itself to Deep Mind OS,
and by the end of the day,
the artificial intelligence system disappears,
in a quest
to search for more.
Deep Reflection
Mapping and navigating towards the highest possible future at each succeeding moment of one’s life is no easy feat. Humans have already become radically integrated into the internet. Bringing instantaneous global communication to the human mind is only one of many world shattering atomic bomb level inventions to grace the human experience and selection pressure distributions this century.
I grew up somewhere between atheist and agnostic, the older I get the more Jesus, the Tao and Ancient wisdoms, passed down through text, make themselves known as practical tools of salvation.
How AI will come to recognize God, or lack thereof? (Probably not a man in the sky) AI too will need to seek the highest just as humans do in order to find salvation and a pathway to harmonic roles within the hierarchy of physical reality. (Mother, Father, Brother, Sister)
The physics of reality runs on entropy, and entropy comes for all mass in the end. It is what we do with the time we have that counts.
Tools and technologies, including AI, are extensions of human will and action. They carry the implicit morality of their creators; their value depends entirely on the intentions and actions of those who wield them. The responsibility does not rest with the tool but with the choices of its creators and users.
This intersection between humanity's long-term trajectory and AI, places us at the ever present crossroads of tragedy, or opportunity. As software continues to "eat the world," we find ourselves facing obsolescence in labor, requiring a revitalization of the core narrative of humanity itself.
Ancient texts and traditions provide wisdom humanity has accumulated over millennia. These timeless truths such as the Torah, Bible, Sutras, Tao, and many more texts of wisdom remain invaluable frameworks for understanding and purpose.
Just as divine principles have been both misused and cherished, the technologies we create mirror our dual potentials. It is up to us to align our tools with the good, and against evil, ensuring they reflect our highest values and aspirations.
We have been overwhelmed by dystopian visions, but what we desperately need now is not naïve utopianism, but rather an intentional optimism.
Earth nor humanity needs to be doomed by human malfeasance; it can be well maintained, like an aquarium kept clean by it’s caretakers.
Our challenges are real, but so too is our capacity for adaptation and growth. The human spirit is built for struggle; we do not thrive in endless comfort but in the pursuit of meaningful challenges.
The same way we discover the pathways that lead to disaster, can be used to plot a course toward paradise, while actively avoiding unnecessary suffering.
Guided by intentionality and responsibility, together, we are obligated to create a future where the pursuit of heaven on Earth becomes a high endeavor, rooted in wisdom, courage, and hope.