Earlier this week I learned about a genre of video content called Hopecore. For years, I've been immersing myself in media that embodies the spirit of growth through persistence, aiming to cultivate resilience from within. I found that regularly listening to my favorite speeches induces a feeling of hope, reinforcing my belief in a brighter future.
Often times, despite the positive feeling of hope, it is not sufficient on its own to begin and accomplish that task I’ve been putting off. When my goal recedes farther into the future (“I’ll do it later”, “I’m too tired”, “I’ll do it tomorrow”, “I’m missing xyz”) due to unknown complexity or a setback occurs, there I am, needing more than hope in order to accomplish the directive.
A philosophy of continuously building an increasingly fortified mental state/experience which no longer requires a particular feeling to begin and complete, IS that task I’ve been putting off.
What is it that pushes through the resistance to start and continue to roll the metaphysical boulder in the direction of the goal regardless of good, bad, uneasy or any feeling whatsoever. I need to show up and get through even the small challenges of life even when no one knows who I am or what I am doing.
Even if I never make it to the longer-term goals, at least I’ll have been on the path, to have taken steps in the direction I intentionally set and planned for myself to go towards.
There are many speakers and content which I can attribute my personal growth and resilience in the face of the daily grind, such as Earl Nightingale, James Allen’s “As a man Thinketh”, Alan Watts, Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Alex Hormozi, David Goggins, Neville Goddard, Jim Rohan, Dr Wayne Dyer; the list is long…
I even uploaded some of the content to my own YouTube channel so I could always find and listen whenever I wanted/needed a boost.
“We all need reasons to get up out of bed in the morning, reasons to be excited about our day and our future” - Elon Musk
The Person on the White Horse
As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
Acres of Diamonds
Attitude: The most important word in ANY language
These are a few of the videos I uploaded to my own channel and probably have listened to myself more than any other viewer of my videos. You’re by no means obligated to watch or listen. I tend to listen rather than watch but I added dive video because I wanted to be able to watch that too.
I uploaded videos I regularly come back to. So that I can always find and listen to this motivating media. Similarly, I’ve linked them here for easy access for myself to get to later as well.
Strangest Secret - 30 Day Challenge
Earl’s “The Strangest Secret” includes his 30-day challenge:
Take one hour of your personal time, write your single primary present goal at the top of a sheet of paper, simply & clearly. Then write 20 ideas on how you can reach your goal.
You might not get 20, but even one is good. The first to know about this, is that this is not particularly easy and will be a difficult habit to get started, but if you can do it for 30 consecutive weekdays, you can do it for a lifetime.
Joe Dispensa - “Take Action! and the feeling will follow”
One of the counter intuitive ways we can change our life is to take action regardless of how we feel, then the feelings will follow the actions. (because if we don’t change, our life will not change)
“If you always act like you have always acted,
you’ll always get what you have always got”
This is why it’s necessary to have faith, to believe, observe, and practice the ritual of doing regardless of feeling. The regular and deliberate listening and feeling, self-induced or externally induced, is itself an action that I like taking every day to improve myself and move upwards towards greater experiences itself reinforcing the likelihood I’ll be able to do it again and again, over and over, day after day.
Each small win we consciously rack up, is evidence and fuel to keep racking up wins. At one point I had kept a habit journal with a checkmark for every day I accomplished my reinforcing habit of listening to a positive message.
Why would you read these words? What makes this worth reading? It’s because you know there is more, that life can be better, for you, your family, friends, and community, all counting on you.
Anytime we are absent, it leaves a gaping hole in the positive experience of others. A particularly strange type of opportunity cost. The absence of your full potential, of my full potential, compounded, day after day.
I want to write words which bring you hope and inspire you to be and do more, to unleash those underdeveloped talents and dreams. I want you to embrace your journey to heaven on earth because you built it with every breath you take and every step you make.
I find that I need to break myself down into excruciatingly small steps. An effective step I take each day is listening and reading about the unlimited number of amazing miracles people like yourselves that all try to give back their stories and lessons to anyone who will heed them.
We all have unlimited potential, at every stage of life. Even if you have less time to tap your unlimited potential the older you get, the only time you have to alter your life’s trajectory is right now!
Are you satisfied with where you’re at? Isn’t there something that’s been bugging you for weeks? Sometimes they’re small tasks, like clothes on the bedroom floor, other times they’re big like re-writing your resume to get a more meaningful job you love going to every day.
I find myself reaching for the future when I realize how much there is to do in the present, this can be a problem, but only if it is preventing present action. You can do it!
When I was first Examining the fundamental constraints of life I came to the conclusion that electrical energy was the primary limiting factor. After further examination, it appears that the large-scale creation of various types of technology is fundamentally limited by bureaucracy, government, and regulatory procedures.
Even further, I realize that the accumulated social societal culture itself, made up of the choices and actions of civilization, isn’t willing or able to have the mature, in-depth conversation, persistence and wherewithal to negotiate and build advanced technologies like fission Thorium breeder reactors. (but we could get there)
Say to yourself: “I am the fundamental constraint.” We are the difference between chaos and tranquility. Take responsibility for as much as you can bear, everyone is counting on you, including you!
By stating, “I am the fundamental constraint”, everything can begin to move in a more sane direction because you’ve given yourself permission to change what isn’t working.
Delete the Blame game from your personal list of multiple-choice answers, remove doubtful thoughts and take the actions you know to be right in your consciously informed heart. Choose to embrace your potential, breath to breath, day to day.
Thank You for reading, see you next week.
One last thing: I’m curious what motivational speakers and quotes resonate more with Women than Men. As a man with a father, I find a harder brotherly voice is more likely to invigorate me than a soft reassuring voice. Though I’m curious what daughters and wives find to be the most effective at aiding their spirits.
Since I have a wife and a daughter, I would be tremendously grateful if you’d be willing to leave your motivational heroes in the comments.
Your readership means a lot to me, feedback is the best way of increasing the value that is available to those who seek it. I strongly encourage you to share and reach out.