I have innumerable “plans” which are more like whims or fantasies, these plans include the building of a website which is called: I’m Lost. This build by me for me, so that when I find myself wandering my internal desert, a map can be found or created, so the promised land and heaven can come to earth through devotion of our lives. I have it partially built, but when I started building I did not have a map.
I intended to use this for myself when I was spinning in circles or didn’t feel like I was doing what I was supposed to be doing. To provide myself the next series of tasks in order to get back on track. and Well. have I done it? no…
Maybe one of you reading now want your own map for when feeling lost, down, anxious, or afraid, in case it is better than the vices you or I have now.
9 Billion things
I learned to think & imagine technology to solve all of the worlds problems. Really I need it to solve my own problems, but it’s possible that if you got yourself together, the world might come together too. Through the power of music and media. Stories.
Though I have not learned to harness the storytelling nearly at all as I’d like. because I’m not yet disciplined enough; half-baked ideas make it through. The amaryllis watering took a while to get settled. I had originally wanted it to be watered with a mist maker, but that wasn’t going to happen fast enough. Later that idea got spun into the idea of making a mist river stage. So I have 3D designed and printed 3 parts which funnel mist down a ramp, it requires water to be pumped in and that causes it to also be a mini mist waterfall. Though it is naked, without the aesthetic garnish which could make it whimsical enough to convert into a Livestream to harmonizing music.
Why would I take that on? What makes the ideas worth executing on? In what order?
I tend to lean towards the ones that can be done with existing materials. Even though they are only sort of parallel to the goals which get me to where I want to go. Or so my doubt creeps in, my intellectual mind unconvinced these kinds of projects can really get us to where need to go.
Because anything to get me moving feels better than waiting for something perfect.
A Live-streamable Mini Theater Mist River. Time-lapse Amaryllis. Automatic Watering. Turbidity, PH, Level, Servos, Craft, Hot Glue, Pneumatics. Son & Daughter Education Planner. Automated Edible Mushroom Cultivation Fruiting and Harvest. Simulation Software + LLMing AI Ally. Teacher Student: Student Teacher, Project Replicative Education: Media, Youtube content, Newsletter, Twitter, Websites, IoT, Webcams, Tutorials, Comics, Cartoons, Stories, Books, Encyclopedias. Linked Ledger Token Human Governance Validation for decentralized trust network. Tunnel Digging Machines, Pipe building Robot Machines. Fuel powered SiC thermal voltaic electrical generator automated production line. Automated Chicken Coup & Egg Collector, Aquaculture Pond, Aquaponics + Automated Vertical Indoor Farming. Foundation Laying Construction Robots, Plumbing robots, Wiring Robot, Welding Robot, Cement Robot. A Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor powering a Shipping Container Reactor Factory. Building the Interstellar Seed of Life with a fissfuse reactor dynamo engine core.
The scale of these things is substantially different in kind, though I could argue they’re at multiple different stages of the timeline too. That’ll be for me to get a story to follow and roles to fill.
I want to start feeling like I am/we’re moving closer to the ultimate goals.
Prioritization of the next moments task and daily routinization of most important tasks is more helpful than large scale trajectory once that highest ideal can be aimed towards. Practice being the critical requirement, especially even though poorly at first. Discipline and designed environments for achievement are needed to get the most out of unlimited faith in persistence love and strength.
Assume that the outcomes allow us to infer intentions. Since if you’re successful then the outcome you intend is what occurs and if it does not then you’re not competent at achieving your intended goals. Most people do get what they want, they just don’t know what they want. They keep their ideas page and foggy, not unlike what i’ve described of myself. I am a fallen human.
For the NRC to require designers fully design their systems, then at unreasonable cost pay the NRC to review and modify the designs to their specification over multiple years... while only allowing certain kinds of designs, materials choices, let alone identifying a location and obtaining resources. Look at the Number of plants built build vs decommissioned in the USA.
Imagine if combustion engines were constrained like that. Only cylinder based designs or only one kind of fuel allowed. The progress would reverse and the function of the technology would probably decline with research & development.
What needs to be is that we assume people intend to do the things they say, and which they also assume responsibility for the outcome. So if things go wrong it’s on that individual including the damage. but not before it happens. Not at inconceivably high external costs to the designer and producer through top down regulation.
What is the ideal system for ensuring maximum safety, efficiency, long life cycle, low cost and recyclability? Iteration knows. Feedback loops of development and research by operators and manufacturers. Ideally with pure spirit through providing reliable services.
The general rules for operation would be: no lasting damage to people or environment. Penalties proportional to the incurred difference in cost of operation. (Cleanup is on you) this is a liability and it needs to be since knowing that responsibility can also prepare and know how to do so quickly. Along this journey needs to be an open public eye livestream.
While some feel that calamitous events scare people too much, the censoring or selective perspective can severely harm by wrong understanding, people need to learn to combine information to come to their own conclusions. Free Speech, Free Information, is encoded in the Constitution and can be trusted because of the untold sacrifice required to enshrine it there.
How can problems be resolved civilly, without violence?
This 3rd party negotiator, a referee, currently the government judiciary & justice system, was meant to mediate between the disputes of people and companies. Adjudicated by jury and judges elected by their local community of hundreds, and of thousands, and so on up the chain as the effects exceed the local community.
This is the way that government authority was originally structured, and over time the people who benefit from operating those systems advocate for the increase of systems and powers such as that people get promises in exchange for votes. Hope. That things will get better for them if they vote and elect this person to be in charge. Which can be true but can also be anti-true. The person would also have to take responsibility for themselves and act to better themselves, that the other act of voting probably didn’t contribute 1% of the effects that did from taking self responsibility.
A recent example of the opposite of a working regulatory system: a friend of mine mentioned he read about an old coal power plant site which was being decommissioned. The local people had wanted a reactor power plant put there to provide clean reliable energy for nearly a century. but the regulations for the radioactivity concluded that the site was already more radioactive than it is permitted for reactor sites to be! The cost to remove that material far exceeded that which could be allocated. Which raises the question, why is the coal plant allowed to be more radioactive than the nuclear plant?
These are less than 1% of the total 9 billion things which burden me. Though only the smallest amount, sheer number increases my mass, making acceleration substantially less effective and more energy intensive. I need to shed some of the silly ideas, and work on the greater ones. Here writing, at least helps me think outlaid to amazing and interesting people anywhere in the world. Which is a miracle in and of itself.
Motion is the result of focused energy into force. To move closer to my goal. I have to continuously refocus and direct my internal energy, in the direction of building The Interstellar Seed of Life. No. I need to map out a straight path to that interstellar seed of life. Re tooling the map as it fails. Best Idea I Know of, do you know better? Let me know.
This newsletter is an element of that pathway, a cry for help, for hope, for energy. That I cannot do this on my own, and that it is community of people all taking responsibility and coming up with definite plans, actions, and maps. Which make it possible to bring heaven to earth. Through the Highest known goal: Launching the successful interstellar seeds of life, as the plants and the trees do.
Who out there knows what it will take to get licenses, and site approvals?
Who out there knows what it will take to get funding?
Who out there knows what it will take to get designs, hardware and simulation?
Who out there knows how to design long lasting life support systems?
Who out there knows how to encourage the best Human Resource allocation and love of learning education?
Who out there knows how to build the best longest lasting governance structure?
I have thoughts on the first step proposal for each of these but I need to synthesize them together to accelerate the production as soon as humanly possible in order to ensure the continuation of conscious humanity. While not lagging on my own life obligations.
Story of Life
there once was a ship out in space named earth.
people inhabited the earth like leaves inhabit trees
after hundreds of thousands of years people realized they had to be capable of fruiting and casting off brave explorers like seeds in the wind, into the solar system, for life’s purpose is to grow.
The people argued vociferously, there was not enough on earth they said!
It was impossible to leave, let alone live in such harsh conditions!
nO one would want to.
While Complaining loudly, the leader spoke and cast a silence
“The society which does not grow, decays.”
so there the structure fails, but then often in that vacuum of power a new structure emerges, the question becomes how and who can bring heaven to earth. Knowing that heaven cannot be found through reasoned thinking but through tested action.
Which leads to the question I tried and failed to answer on time again this week. This means progress, for if you’re not failing, you’re not trying hard enough.
So next time: I’m going to try to tell you how I cleaned my room. I’ll tell you how I’d clean mine and then how I did actually. Then I’ll try to generalize it enough so you might get your room clean too. Then together we might get to cleaning up this earth too!
Only when you’ve got the energy to clean your room will it be done, if you have less energy available you it will fall behind other higher priorities. Energy abundance is a faith, just like energy(resource) scarcity is for some.
Choose an Abundant Faith.
Thanks for Reading, Maybe Next time I’ll get it scheduled ahead of time.