Old Man Maclaine in His Rocking Chair:
Laid back, eyes full of history, glistening with memories, tear fought life lessons. Fully bound, decades in the future, a now silent observer of life lived and living. Every scar and wrinkle tells a story, every sigh carrying choices made, paths taken, pits overcome. A final embodiment of his present trajectory, rocking introspectively, back and forth.
Conversation Outside of Time
When I am so old that I’m bound to my rocking chair. Will I look back on the memories my younger self generated and think… Yes, I lived a fulfilling life. I did the things I said I would. I am content with this outcome in life. I have done what I intended to do.
I ought to have this conversation with him more often, I’m starting now. I tell him my plans, ask his advice. Imbue myself with his insight to aim more precisely today to ensure we may join Allah peacefully.
Why This Exercise Matters
As a painfully powerful tool for introspection. This can help engage reflective muscles when life might seem routine, regular, normal. Examining life from the future perspective increases consciousness and offers you opportunity to make improved choices that will lead to long-term satisfaction and fewer regrets. Step out of the hustle and bustle of daily life. Look at the bigger picture. Then zoom back in to your daily practices.
Show me your habits and I’ll show you your future
What Questions Would You Ask Yourself?
Did I leave a positive meaningful mark on the people in my life?
Did I nurture and cherish my relationships?
Did I fulfill my dreams and destiny or did I let them slip away?
Did I take care of my health, both physically and mentally?
Did I forever strive to learn, grow, and become a better version of myself?
Have I ensured a secure future for myself and my loved ones?
Are the steps I'm taking now truly leading me towards the goals I profess to seek?
Have I deeply considered if these goals are genuinely what I should be striving for?
When I made past decisions, did the outcomes align with my initial expectations?
When I chose this challenging journey, did it bring me a sense of purpose or was it suffering without meaning?
In moments of adversity, what were my anchors and sources of strength?
Am I making choices based on extraneous pressures? are they aligned with the universal values?
Have I evaluated the long-term implications of my current actions?
Are my daily actions contributing to my vision and legacy?
Do the sacrifices I make now progress toward the future I envision?
In moments of doubt, where do I seek clarity?
How do I evaluate whether my current path aligns with my deepest desires and aspirations? Do I know what those are, why they are?
Why do I get up in the morning?
Dealing with a Silent Response
While the old man cannot speak, his presence and energy offer a response. Your spiritual intuition and reflective muscles are capable of filling in the answers. If you feel a pang of regret when thinking about a certain aspect of your life, examine those details more closely. Why does it make you feel that way? Be honest, you can only corrupt yourself through avoidance. If you feel pride and satisfaction, it's a sign you're on the right track, and should keep doing what you are doing. Mentally associate your disciplined habits with the feeling of positive progress to aid your strong resolve.
Methods to Use This Exercise
Regular Reflection: Find a regular existing habit and before or after it: Visit yourself in the rocking chair. At first, choose only one question to ask, to prevent overload. Depending upon how much reflection your life requires for proper redirection, finding the right habit to attach the retrospective though to matters. Maybe you can replace scrolling on the bus, or listening to radio on your commute, or hitting the snooze button on the weekends. One question One answer, One day at a time.
Writing: Writing and/or Speaking the question and your imagined responses will help solidify the lessons within. If recorded in the same place over time, these thoughts can offer valuable insights into your growth and evolution. Revisit and adjust as necessary.
In a spontanious quiet moment of meditation, imagining this conversation can offer clarity and focus.
The Power of Now
While the old man represents the future, there is only the present moment. Every thought we have, every choice we make, every instant of life shapes the old you in your rocking chair. By properly framing life, we can do what truly matters, live with intention, ensureing that when the time comes, we can sit beside our older selves with contentment. Feeling and knowing we lived a full and filling life. Removing all the fluff, bitterness, and chatter too.
Try My Shortcut! It’s an iPhone “app” which stores each message into a text file on your phone. I’ve got dozens which I’ll be offering in future newsletters.