In about half a year - or exactly 38,610 blocks - #Bitcoin will be the money with the lowest inflation globally. An inflation rate that will be halved again to only 0.875% and will undercut gold's inflation rate for the first time - forever.
More than 70 years, gold inflation has averaged 1.5%. Bitcoin will take just shy of 15 years to beat that figure and will become twice as hard every additional 4 years as inflation becomes 50% less.
With these facts in mind, you must ask yourself the following question: Do you know what a privilege it is to be able to buy something as superior as Bitcoin with something as bad as fiat money?
There will come a time when we will no longer be able to buy Bitcoin with government-controlled money, because this money will no longer have any value. The only way to get Bitcoin then is through hard work or mining alone.
Work, products and services that live up to the value of Bitcoin and people are willing to trade their Bitcoin for it because Bitcoin is money and it is the apex of money.
To exchange printed cellulose, that is the cause for much evil in our world, for something unimaginably rare and ingenious like Bitcoin - which is not just money - that is an action that will have unimagined consequences for you individually, but also for our society as a whole.
With that said, buy Bitcoin while your fiat money still allows it. Buy, secure and hold it.
I’ve decided to make paper Bitcoin Wallets. These were made on an offline computer, and printed on an offline printer.
Did you know Bitcoin wallets can be made offline?
I made the first paper BTC wallet to take my own BTC off of the exchanges and into a long term storage. This is my savings account. Better than a 401k, or a 509. Surpassable only by TSLA 0.00%↑ in the short term. They also have 300 million in BTC by the way.
The debt ceiling has been suspended for 2 years, to be re-evaluated in 2025. The interest on our 33+ TRILLION$… now exceeds 1 trillion $$$ PER YEAR…. Tax revenue is not 1T$ per year… No country in the history of earth has EVER stopped its hyper inflation through the necessary austerity measures that would be required. They always print their way out of the problem, leaving those with cash savings on the hook for their spending sprees.
No one can increase the total amount of BTC that will ever be created.
If you don’t need the liquid cash, convert it into a paper wallet. Put it in your fireproof safe, and keep adding to your BTC savings. You won’t regret it. I made a website for these wallets. It’s available on my private VPN. I’m considering offering it to people I can meet personally.
So, if you want a paper wallet you know how to reach me.
Remember. It’s HARD money, like gold, it could be stolen physically. But unless you lose your safe.