Yesterday I was sad…
Today I am mad..
Mad at myself.
Mad my weakness.
Mad my apathy.
Mad that I’m falling short of my own potential.
My anger plagues me,
yet it can be redirected,
by patient and careful action.
into the treadmill, into the floor,
into the pull up bar, into my work,
onto this page.
anger derived from the new age
you know the places
digital media XYZ,
people earning more,
pumping more, flying higher
shorts and scenes, amplify & irritate, sheep and sin
drive apathy, sloth, envy, and greed
deadly in me
Only through continual practice, & inhibition,
distillation into focused action,
may I escape this prison
A practice, A ritual, Routine, & Vision
watered with physical suffering
into pristine derision
no difference between the mind and body,
time and melody,
Train your body. Train your mind
Practice Thinking, Practice Lifting
Raised by giants,
their wisdom I'm imbibing,
Keys in my grip,
to my future I'm subscribing.
Clean Thoughts, Clean Habits
I will continue with the regular letters next week
Steam On