Unlocking intrinsic motivation is akin to discovering a hidden switch in the brain that can lead to unlimited motivation, surpassing the transient effects of extrinsic motivators like money, praise, or fame. This guide, inspired by insights from Rian Doris, co-founder and CEO of the Flow Research Collective, provides a hyper-detailed roadmap to dial into the strongest motivation you've ever experienced, backed by science.
Understanding Intrinsic Motivation:
Intrinsic motivation emanates from within, driven by internal rewards and personal fulfillment. It contrasts with extrinsic motivation, which is fueled by external rewards and recognition. Intrinsic motivation is self-sustaining, long-lasting, and is the key to maintaining high levels of motivation, focus, and productivity.
The Five Intrinsic Motivators:
Curiosity: The desire to learn and know more about one’s work, making work feel like an engaging book that one can’t put down.
Mastery: The pursuit of excellence and continuous improvement in one’s craft.
Autotelic Purpose (Autotelicity): The love for the activities one does at work, finding activities rewarding in themselves.
Purpose: The drive to contribute to a cause larger than oneself, making one willing to make sacrifices.
Autonomy: The feeling of being in control of the when, how, and what of your work, making one feel unrestricted.
Neurological Basis of Intrinsic Motivators:
High levels of intrinsic motivators release performance-enhancing neurochemicals like norepinephrine, dopamine, and acetylcholine, lowering cognitive load and enhancing focus and drive.
They facilitate access to flow states, releasing additional neurochemicals like endorphin, serotonin, anandamide, and oxytocin, creating a virtuous cycle where intrinsic motivation feeds flow and flow feeds intrinsic motivation.
Strategies to Enhance Intrinsic Motivators:
Identify Current Standings:
Regularly assess how many of the five intrinsic motivators are built into your work and to what extent.
Reflect on your desire to learn, improve, and engage in your work activities spontaneously.
Enhance Each Motivator:
Curiosity: Leverage learning and seek immediate feedback or positive impact from learning.
Mastery: Practice the skills and subskills that will advance your long-term goals with deliberate practice.
Autotelicity: Focus on what you are good at and trust that doing things you are good at will forge autotelicity over time.
Purpose: Articulate your life's mission and identify how each work task links to your purpose every day.
Autonomy: Increase autonomy both perceptually and literally by focusing on controllable aspects of your work and embedding your role within a broader life trajectory.
Maintain Balance and Course Correct:
Continuously upgrade your motivational stack and maintain a balance among the intrinsic motivators.
Pinpoint the reason for dips or surges in your motivation and course correct as needed.
Transformative Power of Intrinsic Motivation:
Transitioning from extrinsic to intrinsic motivation makes you less likely to be manipulated by external rewards or to make decisions influenced by money, status, and punishment.
It leads to a state of self-containment and imperturbable consciousness, where you develop a Zen Warrior trait, becoming detached from external trappings but obsessed and engaged with the work itself.
By understanding, enhancing, and balancing the five intrinsic motivators, you can unlock unprecedented levels of motivation, leading to enhanced productivity, fulfillment, and success. This comprehensive approach, backed by science, enables individuals to experience more flow states, achieve greater success, and find fulfillment in their endeavors, making the journey to success irresistibly easy and exciting.