Finished listening to JBP Exodus Ch 1-20 Discussion Panel
so it's Tuesday evening. I've not written much since my last bout. I'm really seeing JPs point that if you overdo it today you'll just pay for it torrow. Which... makes sense..
I just finished listening to this seminar discussion on the first 20 chapters of exodus. Which has been quite enlightening. really. really. really. enlightening. Though it helps that I'm familiar with the corpus of some of the panel members. This has created simultaneously opposed experience producing insubstantial physical movement but high internal acceleration... That religious experience continuously if persistent.
The days slipping by. Suppose I've also been slipping.
Last week. only the second day of the newsletter. I did not post on schedule. By my own definition. I failed. this failing is a reoccurring theme in my own experience. Where I dream of fantastical ingenious and awesome potential. That anticipation is the milk and honey for which my maximal activation yearns. The experience of the achievement is in fact satiating and does not exceed the anticipatory stages, though it must be satisfying to. Failure/Dissatisfaction in the result also having suppressive effects.
There is a cold predatory nature to the examination and judgement of another. Yet that ability to judge our self by our own standards as is we were another. Looking in the mirror might be one catalyst. one requiring past abstractionalized experience.
You and I are a community unto ourselves. At many different times of the same spirit, different body, different mind, a kind of hallucinatory illusory gaze into potential probability of experience. This moment I am trading my present moment to the typing on this keyboard in order to think and communicate to my own self and you this weekend.
That trade is both my pinnacle and the foundational of experience within this moment, and the next moment it IS abstracted encoding of the highest possible concept: "The TAO which cannot be named." GOD, ALLAH. You know monotheism, that we do require a direction and role in life and experience especially to share with other people. Without whom we would be biophysiologically crazy and whom can sustain us throughout the inevitable travesty & malevolence life took to get here.
I'm not saying that this writing is the pinnacle always, just for me in the moment it's as good a practice I have the gravity to elucidate. The whole point is to reflect upon that past which contains the information which pinnacle practice is kindled spirit of habit. The most powerful of forces in existence upon you. May ye maintain a firm grasp upon the gravity which humans endowed with self revelation: break up the spacetime continuum at a small scale by being capable of predicting through the projected self image onto potential futures.
This imaginary foresight is a kind of probabilistic probe like a radar detector except it's an internalized simulation of the external insofar as it keeps it's genetics propagating, and then becomes increasingly conscious of the experience and nature from which we have fruited. Attention.
The literal structure of our lifetime experience as made possible through DNA's inconceivable survival over the vast expanse of time transformation. Dinosaurs and all that. Which requires the scientists to be curious enough to explore and think and communicate their findings such that all the mental capacity of the most interested people would too be able to find each other and collaborate. As with all the other curiosities humans have in this moment. Must have as a consequence of DNA's development into what we see today. The very pre-condition to any and all of this writing. Is that we can make sense of what is around our experience. The degree to which the gravitational influence consciousness exerts into future potential.
The practices which bring us to the greatest possible pinnacle are only understood when embodied in active practice of speech & action. Though they can be hinted at and informed through these practices of listening, watching, dreaming, reading, writing, drawing, as though your life depends upon maintaining the highest aim and gifting your experience to god such that it's worth the inevitable trials and challenges which are then demanded. You'll need everyone to voluntarily join though not everyone must be perfect at aiming, they must be intentionally aiming heaviest, or they will eventually languish motivation without the light of the gravitation. Community can help us hold hands together but without that community the weight of our own hands prevents us from reaching for the heavens.
The challenge is to bring this around, I'm apparently not shy about going as far as possible as fast as possible but that completing the thought always escapes me(until now) It may be because I am alive. It may be because I've not traversed the correct pathway to begin with. It may be something the Christians call original sin. This acceptance of responsibility as you're able to bear it, is the sacrifice and the gift.
This is all to say that humanity surges forth with uncontrolled passion, in tumultuous ungoverned grief, blown about by anxiety and doubt. Only the wise may embody thus unifying three spirits. Soul, Body, Mind. Solving their solvable problems by patient and careful exploration and practice. Find that existence is transformation within knowable boundaries, and that is good before we choose a lesser aim better to always aim higher. Fortunately for us we are gifted the lifetime of aiming at the highest because we have given.
DO your BEST.
Not Just Your Responsibilities
But a little bit more
for the lavish sake before
- We Who Climb Heliosphere -