Building Great Works Demands Building Great Habits
Where I’ve written a lot of material that never makes it into the world, that’s ok. Where I write publicly and a couple notice, that’s ok. When I write, I’m usually thinking in characters, visions, verbs, and vectors. I started writing at least one sentence every day(usually more) a little over a week ago. While I’ve been writing daily for many months, this writing here on Substack is a specialized writing for bringing interested individuals along this journey. At any moment an unlimited stream of vapid imaginings and worry’s arise unless flow is maintained. Typing has been a great filter for these imaginative characters. Here I’m learning, and bringing you along so you might learn too.
Lessons will be repeated until they are learned - Proverb
My first post here is intended to be a public commitment to weekly creation and public publishing. I realize no one knows or needs to know me, but I’ve been brewing so long, it’s time these ideas became reality.(or are at least planted in the light) The way to do that it is through every day, habits of reading, writing, editing & creating the future I want for myself, my family, & for my community.
1. Why here? why now?
Where I’ve been writing sporadically just long enough that I had started a newsletter before on Revue, it got caught up in Elon’s twitter finance cuts. Fortunately I hear he’s open to buying sub stack too. & I heard we can accept bitcoin tips here too. (very cool)
I had read a linked article(here at substack) and heard about the crypto tips and figured this was as good a place as any to try writing regularly again. Today I set up the automated watering for my Amaryllis and having placed a camera for time-lapse imaging on it, I figured that could be my minimum weekly requirement/ backup post. That way I can write as much or as little as my time allows. Fortunately I have body’s of work to pull from. Unfortunately it’ll need lots of editing.
The war of ideas is heating up and while I know that I know nothing. If this writing helps just one person from falling blindly into a ditch. It will all be worthwhile. My goal is to write a series of foundational essays distilling ideas from all the critical thinkers I can manage from today and yesterday. Synthesized into a pathway forward, for you, me and my family, as far out as is possible to account for probablalistically. Roles for you & yours too.
2. Who would participate in our community & what will we build here?
Everyone has unlimited potential at every moment, regardless if it’s realized. Anyone may voluntarily participate in whatever practice they choose and leave any practice they choose as free citizens. Surrounded by the social governance, but not beaten violently as punishment by a mob or government agents. Only through voluntary personal choices between free citizens.
The several life altering decisions and steps necessary to transform yourself into the person you wish to become, requires a kind of aim difficult to maintain without a social structure to facilitate the many critical life support systems humans like you and I rely on throughout our world. Remembering there’s always someone less fortunate than us, whether by accident, choice or lack of choices. It’s up to us to decide to make things better and see ourselves taking steps towards the inevitable goals we could set for ourselves. Practicing these habits everyday, accomplishing them together!
WE WANT to build the maximally prosperous society, a structure self optimizing at every level, because the limiting factors are human will, energy & attention. Anyone who wants to participate in the outward intentional improvement of their own life as they see it; should participate with us here to accelerate our ever improving future.
3. What to Expect:
Right Now. Lead the Field by Earl Nightingale is one of my strongest influences. Who himself is a disciple of Think and Grow Rich. Who’s author is also a disciple of the Bible, who themselves are disciples of their mothers and fathers, alongside their brothers and sisters. Extracting the wisdom of the ages is a requirement of successful living. I intend to write down those experiences. This writing itself is the very practice of passing on any scrap of wisdom I’m able to convey. Our most effective strategy was & is to cooperate, coordinate, and specialize our individual practices into a living and even sustain us when trouble inevitably arises.
James Clear’s Atomic Habits is the powerhouse facilitating these writing functions practically. I also read several other books including SPIN which relates to large scale resource allocation. Beyond Order. these books. Alongside many others. anything that helps me accelerate the timeline of our goals will be written about here.
Potentially my highest goal is to build a lightning network of everyone’s positive service to be the meritocratic form of reward to help everyone get as rich as possible as fast as possible. With this luxury of stability & taught the discipline to maintain it. Makes it worth considering for yourself how we can each individually can improve our lives and thus those around us raising the tide.
I’d like to have scheduled a video & newsletter a week, and a YT short a day. Alongside an Email & a Text Message. Maybe a phone call or interview a week.
I’m figuring this all out as I go along. I don’t know how I’m going to do all of this yet but your real support will be improving yourselves so everyone around you is better off.
I’ll Write About Everything…
Digital Technology
Plant Care
know enough about everything before you become a master of onething
4. This Amaryllis requests you press the “subscribe” button
A nice picture will look nicer when you share it on your social media (click here to go to my website), and it will increase the color in your life
“Subscribe” buttons (found in the editor under “Buttons'“) will make it easy for readers to subscribe to my newsletter with one click. You’ll get this flower.
5. Ignore my advice - Who am I to suggest anything?
There is no one true way to go about building anything. This is now our playground, experiment with it. If you’re having fun, I probably am too. Get on going. You know what you need to do.
Validate information for yourself. Think for yourself. Create your own habits.
(don’t just trust me. check the “subscribe” buttons!)
I’m here to ask better questions. Why are you here?